Friday, December 16, 2016

Week 14 Blog One

Krystal Koven does not have 30 page likes, but because I didn't want to receive a zero for this portion, I will examine my band Eridia's analytics. My band has not really been too active recently, as we do not have any gigs lined up until January.

My band's reach went up 12%, my band's engagement went down 22%, and there were no actions on our page for the past few weeks. (wow, I really need to start advertising us a bit more efficiently) It looks like previously, our posts have reached up to 157 people. I would hope to extend this number to at least 400. We have a total of 602 page likes and only 32 video views.

I am glad I decide to analyze my band, as we clearly have some work to do! As far as Krystal Koven goes, I will make it a point to reach 50 followers by the end of the month so I can analyze my stats correctly.

Week 15 Final Blog

Overall, I would say I have a much stronger grasp on social media for my particular company. I worked for an animal rescue and managed their social media, which deemed much different than my current way of going out social media. I found for each brand or company, the platform of choice will change drastically. I have learned how to create advertisements, how to get a larger post reach, the demographics of my company, how to do a scheduled post, and the analytics of my company. This has really helped me tremendously, as the entrance project for the school I am transferring to (FIDM for apparel industry design) expects me to complete all of what we learned in this class so I will easily be able to apply what I learned to my future. 
I would like to further look into creating an Etsy as I had mentioned before, and then eventually a legitimate website to add to my social media platforms. I also want to create a Groupon ad as well as further develop my Twitter. I haven't looked into Tumblr as much, however, I feel this might also benefit my brand since Tumblr is all about aesthetics.
My view of Instagram has changed, as it has been a fantastic platform for my company. I have over 200 followers and am able to follow individuals based off of the way they fit into my particular demographics for my brand. What I found was particularly useful was going to individuals pages that were similar to my own such as Dolls Kill or Crystal Tribe, and following the individuals that followed these accounts. I made sure to follow individuals that actually liked pictures on these accounts opposed to just ghost followers. I have much to learn when it comes to Instagram, but I feel like I have a good grasp for just beginning. 

My viewpoint of Facebook advertising has changed, but currently not for the better. I didn't appreciate the fact that I cannot follow individuals, I can only invite them to like my page through my own Facebook. This practically forces me to have to pay for advertising in order to extent my post reach. What I did find helpful with Facebook is the analytics page, as it showed my page most metrics, who's engaged, and how many individuals have been reached. 

I feel like this class gave me a much better understanding of my own business and the social media platforms used for each. Because of this class, I ended up getting my first purchase for a custom order halter top and hope to get at least three more purchases this month. I am super excited and feel comfortable launching my business and creating a name for Krystal Koven.

Week 15 Blog One

I have found the best platform for my particular business was Instagram, as I have over 200 followers now opposed to my 25 on Facebook. Facebook,however, has more areas to advertise professionally and allows you to view your analytics which will deem very helpful in the future. The worst platform in my opinion is Twitter, but then again, I haven't ever had a Twitter previously so learning how to use it was a little more tricky. 

I believe Facebook as well as Instagram are good to use every day for different reasons. Facebook allows me to post status's, advertisements, or tag others in certain posts. There is much flexibility with this platform, but it is harder to get individuals to like your page without paying for post reaches. Instagram is a great tool for visual products, but doesn't allow for as much professional advertising. I found that the majority of companies similar to my own start out on Instagram and Etsy, and then grow from there. 

As far as keeping people intrigued and interested, I believe each social media platform should be used daily. For advertising platforms, maybe using Groupon occasionally would be okay to use occasionally.

To test how much I have grown, Facebook would be a strategic tool because it calculates everything for you. I will also be looking into other strategic ways to calculate data of growth. I looked up easy ways to calculate for yourself the amount of individuals engaged on Instagram and found that if you divide the number of likes and comments by your followers, you will have a good idea. I also have an app that allows me to see who isn't following me back versus who is, so I can better decide who my demographics are. 

For the next month, I would like to get up to 500 followers on Instagram and at least 50 on Facebook. I will create 3 new styles of halters and three new crystal wraps, and sketch out a new design for bottoms. I will post one Groupon ad offering 10% off of my featured product, and create one post reaching ad on Facebook. I would like to expand my Twitter following, as I haven't used this platform much at all. This month, once I create 5 products, my ultimate goal this month is to create an Etsy so individuals do not have to go directly through me in order to purchase products. I would like to set up a photo shoot and use two other models other than myself so that my product looks more legitimate

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Week 13 Blog One

         The displayed images are my personal designs that I advertised on Facebook as well as Instagram. I also created a sponsored ad on Facebook that was meant to attract a larger crowd. I decided to pay $1.00 a day to reach a larger crowd. This ad promotes my company by linking to my blog and Instagram, plus provides my slogan and a call to action. 

         I was able to get my Instagram followers up to 150, and did so by following multiple brands and individuals similar to my own. The demographics for my company are between the ages of 17-25 and females. My followers come from all different locations, however, the majority are spiritually inclined or festival inclined. I have a large following in the hoop community, (the hula hoop flow art, I highly recommend looking  into the practice if you do not know what is) and most of these individuals tend to like my pictures and ads.

          For my next step to innovate my brand further, I would like to create more inventory and designs, then create an Etsy so individuals do not have to inbox me in order to purchase a product. I will create an advertisement that showcases my collection on Etsy in order to gain exposure. 

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Week 10 Comments

I commented on Sheeri Moore, Sophia Ludyjan, and Skylar Hunter's blogs

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Week 12 Blog Two

I decided to look into the different banner ads available on Facebook, as I am very interested in potentially utilizing this feature. I came across a series of different advertising forms for Facebook, and of all of them, these are the few favorites I had. 

The typical, simple photo ad: I enjoyed this form of advertising as it is simple and cost effective. It is visual, and has a solid call to action. For my company, I may put a picture of my product and then add a call to action during the holiday season that offers 15%off for Christmas purchases. I will allot 50 dollars for this type of advertising and if it earns recognition, I will continue to add more. 

The right hand column ad is another that I prefer, because it isn't as invasive as the photo ad, but is still seen. As long as the advertised product is relevant and has a call to action, it can be successful. If my ad popped up on the side of an eccentric clothing brand's website, it could deem very beneficiary for my product. As long as my brand comes up with an efficient target audience, this type of advertising will be useful. Because my company is just starting, I would only allot  50 dollars for this type of advertising. 

When it comes to Twitter, I am not all too familiar with all its features. I am more of a visual person, so Twitter doesn't seem to be the most efficient for my company on a surface level. However, when I looked into Twitter advertising, I learned it is actually much more similar to Facebook advertising than I had assumed. You can add a target audience, create new website tags, and set a budget to get more clientele. I will definitely allot 25-50 dollars for this type of advertising, and have similar deals as my Facebook ads. 

On a side note, I was interested by the fact that more people seem to be reached on Instagram opposed to Facebook by boosted posts. I will definitely make sure to boost one of my ads once I come up with a decent pitch. 

Week 12 Blog One

The first business I found that was similar to my own was Spirit Nectar. I follow them on Instagram and decided to take a look at their Facebook as well. The first thing I noticed was their shop now button as well as beautiful imagery. This company creates customized crystal art and has a unique niche in the market. Another two companies similar are Dolls Kill and Alien Clothing. I think in this case, focusing on social media and traditional advertising is essential since they are larger companies. Dolls Kill and Alien Clothing sell eccentric clothing and targets the audience I am interested in for my brand. When I went on their Facebook's, I noticed either a bunch of color, or black and white images. Their websites also follows the same guidelines. Channeled Creations and  is yet another brand similar to my own. They are a small jewelry company that creates a unique twist on crystals. The first thing I noticed on this account was their links to their other social media accounts and website. Each of these companies list a shop now button as their call to action. All follow the same protocol for attracting an audience and each is very successful. 

For companies that focus on aesthetics, I believe social media is a great way to market your product. Traditional advertising such as Newsletters, ads, etc. are effective, but for companies that are trendy and need imagery are more successful with mediums such as Facebook and Instagram.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Week 11 Blog 2

I wanted to blog about the benefits of joining yelp and linked'n in, as these two advertising mediums interested me the greatest. 

I have not set up a yelp account yet due to the fact that I have not sold any products currently, however, once my company does begin selling, I will make sure to. The benefits of yelp are infinite, however, the consequences for a faulty product are tremendous. 
I looked up popular companies that I know of that have sold eccentric chokers and crystal necklaces and none of them had signed up for yelp. This surprised me, but I decided to keep digging and found some shops that sold crystals and read their reviews. 
Crystal Works was the first I came across, and their reviews were fantastic. They are a crystal shop in Austin, Texas that sells genuine crystals, meditation tools, spiritual novels, and jewelry. They had 53 reviews with a 4.5 star rating. The price range of their products are listed as well as their hours. 
Another shop I found when searching on Yelp was Rock Star Crystals, which is located in New York. It had a 3.5 star rating which was much lower than Crystal Works, and was lower on the list.
 I found establishments with low ratings did not show up on yelp until pages down. If you have good reviews on yelp, your facility will come up first and you are much more likely to get customers. 

I also researched Groupon and was surprised by the deals they had for choker necklaces. The majority of the products had discounts that were 90% off, which almost seemed like a scam to me. There were products whose original price was $69.00, and were going for $6.90. I know that Groupon is a great site for entertainment deals, spa packages, and restaurant coupons, but for products, it seems rather cheap. I read the reviews for a product similar to my own, and they were pretty poor. The product that was said to be originally $69.00 and was going for $6.90 was said to be cheap and not genuine. If I were to post my product on Groupon, I would list my original price as $25.00 and make my discount price at $19.99. This will make my product look more realistic and people will get what they are paying for. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Week 11 Blog 1

The four online marketing tools recommended are GooglePlus, Linked'n, Yelp, and Groupon.

 By reading the lecture, it seems although Googleplus is an excellent tool for growing a business. GooglePlus allows you to create circles and see who is tracking your business. This can be very useful when deciding which groups of people would be the best to target. Although I do not have my own GooglePlus account, it may be a good addition for my company's progression. 

Linked'n was another suggestion made in order to grow awareness of other business's similar to my own. This is a way to get my brand out there, but also to learn about brands. Linked'n is also a great way to partner with like minded people and find people in my line of work. 

Yelp is mentioned in order to build trust from my buyers. If my reviews are good, more individuals are likely to buy from my business, so this is a really important tool. I feel like karma is really prevalent for this particular form of marketing, so treating customers with respect and handling the products with care is extra important. A person that sold me crystals over the internet once put a thank you letter as well as a note that described the significance of my stones in my package. It added a flare that my company could definitely also benefit from, and would allow for positive feedback on Yelp!

Groupon is the last noted marketing tool that I wanted to blog about. This is a great tool for bringing groups of people to my business. Most groupons I have noticed are for entertaining business's such as Boomers, however, I beleive I could offer discounts if individuals are buying multiple products. Groupon is a great place to get business's noticed, and everyone can appreciate a deal. 

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Week 10 Blog One

Newsletters can be a very efficient forms of advertising for several reasons. The two main reasons stand as so; they remind their customers about their business and can make the customer feel special with customized messages. Because the customer feels valued, they are more likely going to want to either donate or purchase from the given company. When I worked for the animal rescue, I would create personalized newsletters thanking my donors for signing up for the newsletters. I would also send out future event invites and let my donors know of volunteer opportunities. For my up and coming company, it may be a little more difficult to think of newsletter ideas.

The first newsletter I can send out for my crystal company would be a welcome email similar to the one I sent out for my animal rescue. This will just thank my customers for the interest and let them know a bit about my product.

For birthdays or anniversaries, I could send out a newsletter giving a discount to my loyal customers. As mentioned in the power point,  this is likely going to encourage a customer to buy my product whereas they may not have previously. Maybe I will send a personalized birthday souvenir when a purchase is made if it's an individuals birthday. For major holidays, I would send out newsletters with discount opportunities and our seasonal products. I have already thought of a few different product ideas for the season and think this would be a nice touch.

If anyone makes large purchase orders, I would send a newsletter thanking them for their loyalty. I feel like this will show my loyal customers that I appreciate them. I may send a discount for future purchases as well. 

Lastly, I will send newsletter just about the general whereabouts of Crystal Coven. This may include any trade shows or street fairs Crystal Coven may attend, and what products will be launching. It is important to inform guests of future products as well as current to keep their interest. 

Friday, November 11, 2016

Week 9 Blog 2

The categories that I believe would optimize my blog views would be the following:

Spirituality: I believe this to be an efficient category for my company because Crystal Coven is derived around the magic of crystals. The effects of crystals is a pseudoscience and a great topic to mention in my blogs to amuse my readers. Maybe stating Crystal Coven's opinion on whether crystals do have an effect on one's well being with research to back our theory up could be a good topic.

The benefits handmade products have over generic products: This would be another good topic to let my buyers know how genuine each of Crystal Coven's products are. Each necklace is handmade and full moon charged which may be important to those who connect well with crystals. 

About the creator: This would be my last category, as I would explain what made my inspired to start this company in the first place. I would explain my background with sewing, reiki, business, and meditation. This will allow my buyers to feel more connected to the product.

I commented on Skylar Hunter, Sophia Ludyjan, and Marcelle Montes

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Week 9 Blog One

I believe if you are passionate about a given topic, you are much more likely to get positive recognition. As I have learned in my mass communications class, individuals crave entertainment, so adding a personal twist on something that would normally be black and white can really boost your business's chance of being viewed in a positive light. An example of my theory can be proven by the popular show, Shark Tank. The show is about business proposals from aspiring entrepreneurs, which sounds incredibly boring. Because they added a twist of entertainment into the show by hiring "sharks" to pick apart the companies, it made the show a hit. The same can be applied to blogs. If you are the creator of a company and want to write about something inspiring about your company, it is much more likely to gain attention than someone writing about the statistics of their company. Entertainment is key.
Now in the case that you are writing on behalf of your company and have little passion or little experience, the likelihood of your blog being inspirational is low. I would only recommend writing a personal blog if the company is yours and has information that individuals can learn from. I personally wrote a blog in the past that was in regards to the animal rescue organization I work for and mentioned a story that grabbed my listeners attention and pulled at their heart strings. My blog got a decent amount of publicity and was also posted on our website, which added a personal spin. This allowed our company to have a bit more character, but it was the passion and personal experience that led to this.  

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Week Seven Blog one

            Visual media will indeed be the best form for attracting an audience since my company is all about aesthetics. Creating an Instagram account will be the most crucial step to becoming a successful company, as professional images of my product will raise my sales dramatically. 
          Mystic Relics is a company similar to my own. Mystic Relics is a crystal company I follow on Instagram that sells necklaces, rings, and crystals. They have 122 thousand followers on Instagram, 4,000 followers  on Facebook, and only 21 followers on Twitter. Their last post on Instagram (their most popular social media source) was 58 minutes ago. They post about three times a day. They average around 2,000 likes per instagram post which is normal for individuals with a large amount of followers. 

Week 7 Blog One

For my specific business, I do not believe Youtube would be the strongest platform quite yet, as I am just now building the company up from the ground. I also am starting a jewelry company that is yoga/mediation based, so if I were to create a Youtube for my business, it would have to be creative and have a zen tone. I could broadcast my jewelry at a yoga convention or a festival like symbiosis gathering, but I would need a professional camera man to make things look legitimate. This is something that may be a good opportunity for down the road. 
Facebook has been proven to do magic for business's, however, as an avid Instagram user, I can easily say that Instagram is a more efficient tool for company's that are all about aesthetics like my business I am trying to launch. I follow plenty of eccentric brands such as Little Black Diamond (a rave wear company) and watched them grow because of the images they post on Instagram. By following individuals that live eccentric lifestyles and adding the website link to their profile, they have become incredibly successful companies.
Although Snapchat is great for fun, I would not say it is an efficient tool for a company, although could be useful as a secondary source of networking. I also do not necessarily believe in Twitter or Tumblr, but I am also not familiar with these two networking tools. I believe Linked In may also be efficient, but only for more professional business's such as a corporate position.
In conclusion, I would like to open a Instagram for my account along with my Facebook page in order to grow as a business. This should attract a larger group of individuals and hopefully help build my clientele. 

Week 6 Blog 2

My first post was made to ensure my audience stays engaged by stating I will be coming out with new products. Currently, I only have one product on my Facebook, and I hope to create plenty more. The next product I hope to come out with will be my Halloween inspired choker, even though it may be a bit too late in the season. I am thinking of making it a black choker with an angel aura crystal attached with cross bones instead of the bow. 
I want my choker to be my signature item, so I am planning on creating plenty of different renditions of this. I also will be creating crystal wraps; both necklaces and key chains. I will be starting a men's line, but only when my female audience is well engaged as I do not want to risk becoming too broad of a business. 
My last post just reminded individuals that my product is unique and that everything is handmade as well as full moon charged.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Week 6 Blog One

I choose to like moondust artifacts, floral arrangements, yoga by Sophia, Dolls Kill, Little Black Diamond, Kyleem MUA, and Blaise Botanics. Half of the likes I gave out were for classmates that has similar business's to my own, and the other half were business's similar to how I would like ym business to be portrayed.
I featured Moondust Artifacts, Little Black Diamond, and Dolls Kill because these business's are similar to my own and have a lot of likes, meaning my page may be seen by more individuals due to an increased post reach.
Moondust Artifiacts may be my best bet for reaching individuals because they are a local business and have products that compliment my own.
I am going to try to find other companies that are indeed similar to my own but still small enough for me to get recognition.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Week 5 Blog One

The difference between post reach and post engagement is a post reach is the amount of individuals that have your post on their news feed, and post engagement are the amount of individuals looking at your posts and actually intrigued. These may be followers, likers, or commenters. Both aspects are important, but engaged audiences are much more of an indicator of success.

Facebook insights are created to show a business who is interested in their products nearby and give details about individuals in order to help narrow down the type of people interested. Insights will show the typography, demographics, page likes, purchase activity, etc. in order to help a company see if their projections are correct. This allows companies to learn about their marketing audience in order to become more successful. Insights will also show if your page is decreasing or increasing in popularity.

For my animal rescue organization, this deemed to be incredibly helpful when deciding what my demographics should be when boosting a post. Although for this assignment I am planning on starting a Facebook page for my new company, I was able to view the insights previously. When I clicked on my page, I was able to see the amount of people who were locking on my website, who donated, and what my post reach is. This allows for a measured projection to be made more efficiently.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Week Four Blog Two

I was going to start a small etsy company called Crystal Coven. It is going to be a Bohemian/meditation jewelry company that specializes in raw crystals. I am still working on how to differentiate my company from the rest since the idea is still so new. The demographics would be mainly females between the ages of 18-30. It appeals to a more economically friendly group of individuals and those inclined the meditation/yoga. I am also debating selling eccentric clothing for festivals and crystals. The ideas are still so new, so I will make sure tofinalize my idea by next week..

Week Four Blog One

Try to identify any differences in each company's target market. Write down the basic observations you make about the demographics and/or psychographics of this each website's target market.

The demographics of Yellow Deli is for the more healthy individuals who believe in peace and unity. The Yellow Deli is a organization that prides themselves in following the guidelines of the first church which believes in communal living. All of the employees live together and make the food for the Yellow Deli from scratch, and the facility is open 24 hours, five days out of the week. Judging by these facts, I would say the demographics for this facility would be for eco-friendly individuals between the ages of 18-35(because of the late hours). It is for individuals with all different levels of income. 

Chiles is a fairly different organization, as its demographics are a bit more broad. Chiles has a wide range of food, most of which is "bar food." Because it is a bar, their target audience would be around 21+. Individuals income range, however, I would say this restaurant attracts people of the middle class. This attracts both sex's. 

The crossover between the two restaurants is they both attract middle class as well as both sexes. The age range is around the same as well, as both restaurants are open late. The Yellow Deli attracts an economically health conscious crowd, and Chiles attracts the sporty type of crowd. The demographics are all around pretty similar, although the major difference between health conscious individuals and sporty changes the atmosphere of individuals quite a bit. The Yellow Deli's website is more bohemian and the text is laid back. Chiles is more flashy and advertising orientated. 

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Week Three Blog Two
  1. Why are they effective? 
  2. What specific principles of good design do they include and why?
  3. What makes you come back again?
  4. What could be improved?
Dolls Kill's website is effective because it demonstrates a very eccentric, edgy clothing style and spins it into something chic and attractive. Their website's logo is in the corner, and the images are highly professional. The products and use of colors and imagery keeps me coming back. Their popularity on social media sites also spikes an interest in buyers. The only thing I would think that could be improved is their rices on certain products.

I also visit mystic relics, as they sell very aesthetically pleasing crystals. Their logo is also very visible and the website is quite simple to navigate. The font is the same throughout and they have links to all of the different social media sites. They could, however, add more products. Their crystal prices are also a little expensive. 

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Evaluation of Different Websites

The first website that I choose to analyse is headhunters hair styling, because there was a time I was thinking about opening my own hair salon and creating a aesthetically pleasing profile would be a necessity. When I first opened the page, I had noticed a large picture in which changes periodically every few seconds. The pictures were flattering, I just believe they could have been a bit smaller in size. The branding was clear, as the logo was the first thing I noticed which was a plus, but I think the services should have been shown more visibly. The second thing that I noticed that I think could have been improved was the quality of pictures they had for their team/hair stylists. Having a professional picture of yourself on the website shows that you are professional, and I don't believe this was shown through their website. Only a few of the stylists had their hair done nicely as well, which shows me that their services may not that great.

I also wanted to evaluate the family owned hotel because it was incredibly confusing to me. It's website link is exmouth, and I see no correlation to a family owned hotel and that name. Also, I could not find that location of the hotel's whereabouts. The font was different throughout, and the pictures of the hotel itself were not professional. When I clicked on Christmas break special, it was very busy and I could hardly even look at what it had to say. All around, I was give this website an F.

I wanted to evaluate Apple's website, as they clearly have been very successful. The first thing I noticed was all of the new products they have to offer ans then their logo in the top left corner. Everything is laid out in a concise order, and they have different forms of advertisement for all of the different types of learners. They have videos, blogs, press information, etc. Apple's website is not only aesthetically pleasing, it is very informative and precise.

The last website I wanted to evaluate was Toyota, a company in which is also very popular and well known. They logo is displayed on every page, and the website is easy to navigate around on. Their slogan is displayed, as well as professional images.The website displays where the closest Toyota location is to me, which makes it easy to purchase and convenient. The safety information as well as the certifications were also clearly displayed.

commented on Lauira and Kendall

Monday, September 19, 2016

Business Analysis

  1. The business name
  2. Their website url
  3. The social media they are visibly using [links on their website]
  4. Check the links and see if they look like they are well used or hardly used at all.
  5. Add the date of the last post on each of their their social media 
  6. Write several paragraphs explaining what you discovered from this exploration. Are these businesses using their social media well? Do they use some more than others?
1.The first business I wanted to observe is a small, local business in which creates visually pleasing headbands and other meditation type clothing. Thier business's name is Moondust Artifacts.
3.Facebook and Instagram is used by this company.
4. The Instagram and Facebook are visually appealing, but they are not used as frequently as they could be.
5. Facebook: September 12th, 2016 Instagram: 35 weeks ago

1. I also choose Third Eye Tapestries because this is another website I tend to be drawn in by. Also very visually appealing. 
4. Each of these links are used very frequently, except thier Pinterest which only has 16 followers and has not posted for years.This business also has thousands of followers on each of their accounts.
5.Instagram: one day Facebook:Yesterday at 9:50pm Pinterest: 2014

1. Bichon Fur Kids
4. Facebook has 12,000 likes and users are very involved. Instagram no posts and a few followers.
5. Facebook: Yesterday 8:06pm Instagram: 56 followers; no posts

1. The word alive (a band but also in my opinion a business due to the advertisements and marketing they have done in order to become popular)
4. Almost 1,000,000 followers on social media sites, very visually appealing for their genre
5. Facebook: 10 hours ago Instagram: 4 hours ago

1. Peta2
4. Appeals to the eotional side of indivuduals as well as teenagers.
5. Blog: September 14th Facebook: 13 hours ago Instagram: 9 hours

So I decided to pick multiple different types of companies to analyze. I will first begin with the art companies, Moondust Artifiacts and Third Eye Tapestries, and move my way down to the two animal rescue organizations all of the way to the one band I wanted to analyze. 

When analyzing Moondust Artififacts and Third Eye Tapestries, it is important to mention that Moondust Aritfiacts is a new company who is local to Encinitas. I was interested in their company as I came across them at a local yoga studio selling their products. They spin the conventional headband into something a bit more eccentric and their own, which I admire. Their advertising skills could be enhanced, as they do not check their Instagram (I had messaged them previously images of my headband on and never got a response, until I tried their Facebook) They also do not have a website, only an etsy. Third Eye Tapestries on the other hand, have multiple social media sites that they check on a daily basis and have a very professional website. 

I wanted to anaylze a couple of animal rescues, as my field of work is with nonprofits currently. When I went on both Bichon Fur Kids website as well as Peta2, they both had very professional images used, as well as an extensive board of directors. Peta2 is known for pulling at the heart strings and giving useful information for vegans which is appealing. They also do protests as well as petitions that you can sing up for by a click of a button via text. Bichon Fur Kids checks their website by the hour and looks very orderly. 

The last marketing I wanted to analyze may come to a surprise since I picked a popular screamo band, but as an individual who is currently in a band, the form of marketing oddly corresponds with the way my nonprfit goes about business. They check their website and update it very frequently, and had a very clear way to contact them. Professional images were displayed as well as videos and gigs.

I analyzed Kendall Holmes post, and she had also mentioned that her organization does not get much publicity on Twitter. My organization also does not, so I will have to look into the ways to build awareness on these forms of social media. 
 I also analyzed Mathew Truss's post, and he had mentioned he pays attention to detail when it comes to the imagery on a website opposed to the information listed. I could not agree more with his comment, as I have mentioned above that when individuals used imagery, their business's were much more efficient. 

Friday, September 16, 2016

Week Two: Blog Post One

Have you ever experienced difficulty communicating with a business? 
Does social media make it easier to get noticed or get your problem solved?  Have you ever had a positive experience communicating with a business through social media?  If it was your own business on social media, how would you respond to positive or negative comments?Describe what made your experience negative or positive. Break content into paragraphs. 

        One of the worst experience I have had communicating with a business would be with cox communications. About three months ago, I was about to move out for my first time into a town home with three other individuals.None of us wanted cable because we have Netflix and other movie sources, so I called cox to ask for the best deal for only internet. When I called, their servers purposefully tried to pursued me to sign up for their bundle deal and made it sound like it was the cheapest option for internet. Their servers manipulated a naive 20 year old into paying much more than I had to. When I went to reverse the bundle into something less expensive, they made it virtually impossible until my parental had to take over. When business's have ulterior motives, it is very difficult to look at that company in a positive light.

        Social media does make it easier to get recognized, although one must put the effort into growing their social media of choice into an empire before much recognition will come. I have actually seen companies that have little followers and choose not to buy their product or donate to their organization for this reason. Social media will either break or make a company, so much emphasis should be put in creating a strong foundation for these platforms.

         To be 100 percent honest, I have not communicated with many business's through social media sites, and the ones I had did not contact me back. My band Eridia however, has booked plenty of gigs through social media and has been scouted for shows by different agents through Facebook.

         I feel as though constructive feedback is critical for any company, so having individuals comment on what needs improvement for my own organization would be helpful. If the individual was commenting on my animal rescue organization in a positive or negative way, I would ask them to volunteer for  my company. I actually had an individual tell me that the bio's for the animals on t=my webpage weren't laid out properly, so I had her volunteer and fix the issue.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Which Social Media Sites are Proficient for Business Purposes

To answer the question of which social media site is most suited for business versus pleasure seems highly due to which type of company an individual owns. For a animal rescue nonprofit organization, Facebook would be more suited than Instagram, as there are more opportunities to post events/posts on Facebook that would grab the media's attention. But for lets say a festival clothing line, whose main crowd are individuals that are eccentric and visionary, Instagram may be a more suited platform of advertisement.
The social media platform I personally haven't had much experience with on a business level would be Twitter, as I do not really know how professional one can sound on that site. Pinterest and Tumblr are two other social media platforms that I have not seen much use for in regards to business, although Pinterest may be superb for a visionary profession.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

I decided to choose the template labeled picture window because of the use of imagery. As a manager of my animal rescue organization's social media page, I find it important to make sure to use imagery in order to grasp the reader's attention. Getting individual's to view the information on your page or in this case blog is just as important as how efficient the information on your page is, so paying attention to this detail is key.

When our class gets into online marketing, I will make sure to personalize the images displayed in the background of my template to further suit my blog. Although I have not yet studied the world of blogging, I am excited to learn more about the positive qualities they can bring to online marketing.