Thursday, September 8, 2016

I decided to choose the template labeled picture window because of the use of imagery. As a manager of my animal rescue organization's social media page, I find it important to make sure to use imagery in order to grasp the reader's attention. Getting individual's to view the information on your page or in this case blog is just as important as how efficient the information on your page is, so paying attention to this detail is key.

When our class gets into online marketing, I will make sure to personalize the images displayed in the background of my template to further suit my blog. Although I have not yet studied the world of blogging, I am excited to learn more about the positive qualities they can bring to online marketing.


  1. Hi Tiffany!
    I really like the template reminds me of some of the scenes in 500 Days of Summer. It has a very dreamy, whimsical look. Makes you wants to stay out of focus.

  2. Hi Tiffany,
    I really like this template, the colors are very happy :)

  3. Hi, Tiffany,
    This template make me feel I am in a dreaming world. I like it!
