Monday, September 19, 2016

Business Analysis

  1. The business name
  2. Their website url
  3. The social media they are visibly using [links on their website]
  4. Check the links and see if they look like they are well used or hardly used at all.
  5. Add the date of the last post on each of their their social media 
  6. Write several paragraphs explaining what you discovered from this exploration. Are these businesses using their social media well? Do they use some more than others?
1.The first business I wanted to observe is a small, local business in which creates visually pleasing headbands and other meditation type clothing. Thier business's name is Moondust Artifacts.
3.Facebook and Instagram is used by this company.
4. The Instagram and Facebook are visually appealing, but they are not used as frequently as they could be.
5. Facebook: September 12th, 2016 Instagram: 35 weeks ago

1. I also choose Third Eye Tapestries because this is another website I tend to be drawn in by. Also very visually appealing. 
4. Each of these links are used very frequently, except thier Pinterest which only has 16 followers and has not posted for years.This business also has thousands of followers on each of their accounts.
5.Instagram: one day Facebook:Yesterday at 9:50pm Pinterest: 2014

1. Bichon Fur Kids
4. Facebook has 12,000 likes and users are very involved. Instagram no posts and a few followers.
5. Facebook: Yesterday 8:06pm Instagram: 56 followers; no posts

1. The word alive (a band but also in my opinion a business due to the advertisements and marketing they have done in order to become popular)
4. Almost 1,000,000 followers on social media sites, very visually appealing for their genre
5. Facebook: 10 hours ago Instagram: 4 hours ago

1. Peta2
4. Appeals to the eotional side of indivuduals as well as teenagers.
5. Blog: September 14th Facebook: 13 hours ago Instagram: 9 hours

So I decided to pick multiple different types of companies to analyze. I will first begin with the art companies, Moondust Artifiacts and Third Eye Tapestries, and move my way down to the two animal rescue organizations all of the way to the one band I wanted to analyze. 

When analyzing Moondust Artififacts and Third Eye Tapestries, it is important to mention that Moondust Aritfiacts is a new company who is local to Encinitas. I was interested in their company as I came across them at a local yoga studio selling their products. They spin the conventional headband into something a bit more eccentric and their own, which I admire. Their advertising skills could be enhanced, as they do not check their Instagram (I had messaged them previously images of my headband on and never got a response, until I tried their Facebook) They also do not have a website, only an etsy. Third Eye Tapestries on the other hand, have multiple social media sites that they check on a daily basis and have a very professional website. 

I wanted to anaylze a couple of animal rescues, as my field of work is with nonprofits currently. When I went on both Bichon Fur Kids website as well as Peta2, they both had very professional images used, as well as an extensive board of directors. Peta2 is known for pulling at the heart strings and giving useful information for vegans which is appealing. They also do protests as well as petitions that you can sing up for by a click of a button via text. Bichon Fur Kids checks their website by the hour and looks very orderly. 

The last marketing I wanted to analyze may come to a surprise since I picked a popular screamo band, but as an individual who is currently in a band, the form of marketing oddly corresponds with the way my nonprfit goes about business. They check their website and update it very frequently, and had a very clear way to contact them. Professional images were displayed as well as videos and gigs.

I analyzed Kendall Holmes post, and she had also mentioned that her organization does not get much publicity on Twitter. My organization also does not, so I will have to look into the ways to build awareness on these forms of social media. 
 I also analyzed Mathew Truss's post, and he had mentioned he pays attention to detail when it comes to the imagery on a website opposed to the information listed. I could not agree more with his comment, as I have mentioned above that when individuals used imagery, their business's were much more efficient. 

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