Thursday, October 27, 2016

Week 7 Blog One

For my specific business, I do not believe Youtube would be the strongest platform quite yet, as I am just now building the company up from the ground. I also am starting a jewelry company that is yoga/mediation based, so if I were to create a Youtube for my business, it would have to be creative and have a zen tone. I could broadcast my jewelry at a yoga convention or a festival like symbiosis gathering, but I would need a professional camera man to make things look legitimate. This is something that may be a good opportunity for down the road. 
Facebook has been proven to do magic for business's, however, as an avid Instagram user, I can easily say that Instagram is a more efficient tool for company's that are all about aesthetics like my business I am trying to launch. I follow plenty of eccentric brands such as Little Black Diamond (a rave wear company) and watched them grow because of the images they post on Instagram. By following individuals that live eccentric lifestyles and adding the website link to their profile, they have become incredibly successful companies.
Although Snapchat is great for fun, I would not say it is an efficient tool for a company, although could be useful as a secondary source of networking. I also do not necessarily believe in Twitter or Tumblr, but I am also not familiar with these two networking tools. I believe Linked In may also be efficient, but only for more professional business's such as a corporate position.
In conclusion, I would like to open a Instagram for my account along with my Facebook page in order to grow as a business. This should attract a larger group of individuals and hopefully help build my clientele. 

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