Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Week Four Blog One

Try to identify any differences in each company's target market. Write down the basic observations you make about the demographics and/or psychographics of this each website's target market.

The demographics of Yellow Deli is for the more healthy individuals who believe in peace and unity. The Yellow Deli is a organization that prides themselves in following the guidelines of the first church which believes in communal living. All of the employees live together and make the food for the Yellow Deli from scratch, and the facility is open 24 hours, five days out of the week. Judging by these facts, I would say the demographics for this facility would be for eco-friendly individuals between the ages of 18-35(because of the late hours). It is for individuals with all different levels of income. 

Chiles is a fairly different organization, as its demographics are a bit more broad. Chiles has a wide range of food, most of which is "bar food." Because it is a bar, their target audience would be around 21+. Individuals income range, however, I would say this restaurant attracts people of the middle class. This attracts both sex's. 

The crossover between the two restaurants is they both attract middle class as well as both sexes. The age range is around the same as well, as both restaurants are open late. The Yellow Deli attracts an economically health conscious crowd, and Chiles attracts the sporty type of crowd. The demographics are all around pretty similar, although the major difference between health conscious individuals and sporty changes the atmosphere of individuals quite a bit. The Yellow Deli's website is more bohemian and the text is laid back. Chiles is more flashy and advertising orientated. 

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