Friday, December 16, 2016

Week 15 Final Blog

Overall, I would say I have a much stronger grasp on social media for my particular company. I worked for an animal rescue and managed their social media, which deemed much different than my current way of going out social media. I found for each brand or company, the platform of choice will change drastically. I have learned how to create advertisements, how to get a larger post reach, the demographics of my company, how to do a scheduled post, and the analytics of my company. This has really helped me tremendously, as the entrance project for the school I am transferring to (FIDM for apparel industry design) expects me to complete all of what we learned in this class so I will easily be able to apply what I learned to my future. 
I would like to further look into creating an Etsy as I had mentioned before, and then eventually a legitimate website to add to my social media platforms. I also want to create a Groupon ad as well as further develop my Twitter. I haven't looked into Tumblr as much, however, I feel this might also benefit my brand since Tumblr is all about aesthetics.
My view of Instagram has changed, as it has been a fantastic platform for my company. I have over 200 followers and am able to follow individuals based off of the way they fit into my particular demographics for my brand. What I found was particularly useful was going to individuals pages that were similar to my own such as Dolls Kill or Crystal Tribe, and following the individuals that followed these accounts. I made sure to follow individuals that actually liked pictures on these accounts opposed to just ghost followers. I have much to learn when it comes to Instagram, but I feel like I have a good grasp for just beginning. 

My viewpoint of Facebook advertising has changed, but currently not for the better. I didn't appreciate the fact that I cannot follow individuals, I can only invite them to like my page through my own Facebook. This practically forces me to have to pay for advertising in order to extent my post reach. What I did find helpful with Facebook is the analytics page, as it showed my page most metrics, who's engaged, and how many individuals have been reached. 

I feel like this class gave me a much better understanding of my own business and the social media platforms used for each. Because of this class, I ended up getting my first purchase for a custom order halter top and hope to get at least three more purchases this month. I am super excited and feel comfortable launching my business and creating a name for Krystal Koven.

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