Friday, September 16, 2016

Week Two: Blog Post One

Have you ever experienced difficulty communicating with a business? 
Does social media make it easier to get noticed or get your problem solved?  Have you ever had a positive experience communicating with a business through social media?  If it was your own business on social media, how would you respond to positive or negative comments?Describe what made your experience negative or positive. Break content into paragraphs. 

        One of the worst experience I have had communicating with a business would be with cox communications. About three months ago, I was about to move out for my first time into a town home with three other individuals.None of us wanted cable because we have Netflix and other movie sources, so I called cox to ask for the best deal for only internet. When I called, their servers purposefully tried to pursued me to sign up for their bundle deal and made it sound like it was the cheapest option for internet. Their servers manipulated a naive 20 year old into paying much more than I had to. When I went to reverse the bundle into something less expensive, they made it virtually impossible until my parental had to take over. When business's have ulterior motives, it is very difficult to look at that company in a positive light.

        Social media does make it easier to get recognized, although one must put the effort into growing their social media of choice into an empire before much recognition will come. I have actually seen companies that have little followers and choose not to buy their product or donate to their organization for this reason. Social media will either break or make a company, so much emphasis should be put in creating a strong foundation for these platforms.

         To be 100 percent honest, I have not communicated with many business's through social media sites, and the ones I had did not contact me back. My band Eridia however, has booked plenty of gigs through social media and has been scouted for shows by different agents through Facebook.

         I feel as though constructive feedback is critical for any company, so having individuals comment on what needs improvement for my own organization would be helpful. If the individual was commenting on my animal rescue organization in a positive or negative way, I would ask them to volunteer for  my company. I actually had an individual tell me that the bio's for the animals on t=my webpage weren't laid out properly, so I had her volunteer and fix the issue.


  1. Hi Tiffany, Cox is the worst! I feel like cable companies apply unethical tactics to get as much money from their customers as possible. In all reality, they are probably threatened by services like netflix and hulu. One idea that might work for Cox would be to bombard their twitter feed with negative reviews (@CoxComm) twitter.

    I checked out your band. Cool stuff! Have you recorded an album or demo? If so, where did you record?

  2. There is an extraordinarily poignant South Park episode about this exact issue. I highly recommend it if you can stomach the vulgarity. There are promises of exclamatory reactions of agreement. (Season 17 Episode 2 - TV-MA)

    You made a fantastic point that I actually didn't consider. I do often apply legitimacy (hopefully justified) in the amount of followers or subscribers in a company that markets through social media. And it is to a point that if they don't have what amounts to a significant following it may do them more harm than good, as unpopularity may correlate with unsavory service. So on top of being attentive to customers, its also important to aggressively seek out the customer base.

    Thanks for the insight!

  3. I have had similar problems with Cox, it's such a turn off when a brand is more focused on sales than the actual customer service. An upset customer wont make a sale. I do recommend using social media to get your problems solved. Even if you have a negative experience, i've found that social media tends to be the fastest way to get the issue resolved.


  4. Cox is the worst! They are looking a lot like Wells Fargo. I still bank there, but I try to resolve issues online because every call turns into a sales pitch. There has to be a line drawn as to how aggressive companies need their employees to be. It pushes people to make poor choices. It's sad.
    Very excited to see you're in a band. I will check you out on facebook.
