Friday, December 16, 2016

Week 15 Blog One

I have found the best platform for my particular business was Instagram, as I have over 200 followers now opposed to my 25 on Facebook. Facebook,however, has more areas to advertise professionally and allows you to view your analytics which will deem very helpful in the future. The worst platform in my opinion is Twitter, but then again, I haven't ever had a Twitter previously so learning how to use it was a little more tricky. 

I believe Facebook as well as Instagram are good to use every day for different reasons. Facebook allows me to post status's, advertisements, or tag others in certain posts. There is much flexibility with this platform, but it is harder to get individuals to like your page without paying for post reaches. Instagram is a great tool for visual products, but doesn't allow for as much professional advertising. I found that the majority of companies similar to my own start out on Instagram and Etsy, and then grow from there. 

As far as keeping people intrigued and interested, I believe each social media platform should be used daily. For advertising platforms, maybe using Groupon occasionally would be okay to use occasionally.

To test how much I have grown, Facebook would be a strategic tool because it calculates everything for you. I will also be looking into other strategic ways to calculate data of growth. I looked up easy ways to calculate for yourself the amount of individuals engaged on Instagram and found that if you divide the number of likes and comments by your followers, you will have a good idea. I also have an app that allows me to see who isn't following me back versus who is, so I can better decide who my demographics are. 

For the next month, I would like to get up to 500 followers on Instagram and at least 50 on Facebook. I will create 3 new styles of halters and three new crystal wraps, and sketch out a new design for bottoms. I will post one Groupon ad offering 10% off of my featured product, and create one post reaching ad on Facebook. I would like to expand my Twitter following, as I haven't used this platform much at all. This month, once I create 5 products, my ultimate goal this month is to create an Etsy so individuals do not have to go directly through me in order to purchase products. I would like to set up a photo shoot and use two other models other than myself so that my product looks more legitimate

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