Thursday, September 29, 2016

Week Three Blog Two
  1. Why are they effective? 
  2. What specific principles of good design do they include and why?
  3. What makes you come back again?
  4. What could be improved?
Dolls Kill's website is effective because it demonstrates a very eccentric, edgy clothing style and spins it into something chic and attractive. Their website's logo is in the corner, and the images are highly professional. The products and use of colors and imagery keeps me coming back. Their popularity on social media sites also spikes an interest in buyers. The only thing I would think that could be improved is their rices on certain products.

I also visit mystic relics, as they sell very aesthetically pleasing crystals. Their logo is also very visible and the website is quite simple to navigate. The font is the same throughout and they have links to all of the different social media sites. They could, however, add more products. Their crystal prices are also a little expensive. 

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