Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Week 5 Blog One

The difference between post reach and post engagement is a post reach is the amount of individuals that have your post on their news feed, and post engagement are the amount of individuals looking at your posts and actually intrigued. These may be followers, likers, or commenters. Both aspects are important, but engaged audiences are much more of an indicator of success.

Facebook insights are created to show a business who is interested in their products nearby and give details about individuals in order to help narrow down the type of people interested. Insights will show the typography, demographics, page likes, purchase activity, etc. in order to help a company see if their projections are correct. This allows companies to learn about their marketing audience in order to become more successful. Insights will also show if your page is decreasing or increasing in popularity.

For my animal rescue organization, this deemed to be incredibly helpful when deciding what my demographics should be when boosting a post. Although for this assignment I am planning on starting a Facebook page for my new company, I was able to view the insights previously. When I clicked on my page, I was able to see the amount of people who were locking on my website, who donated, and what my post reach is. This allows for a measured projection to be made more efficiently.

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