Sunday, September 25, 2016

Evaluation of Different Websites

The first website that I choose to analyse is headhunters hair styling, because there was a time I was thinking about opening my own hair salon and creating a aesthetically pleasing profile would be a necessity. When I first opened the page, I had noticed a large picture in which changes periodically every few seconds. The pictures were flattering, I just believe they could have been a bit smaller in size. The branding was clear, as the logo was the first thing I noticed which was a plus, but I think the services should have been shown more visibly. The second thing that I noticed that I think could have been improved was the quality of pictures they had for their team/hair stylists. Having a professional picture of yourself on the website shows that you are professional, and I don't believe this was shown through their website. Only a few of the stylists had their hair done nicely as well, which shows me that their services may not that great.

I also wanted to evaluate the family owned hotel because it was incredibly confusing to me. It's website link is exmouth, and I see no correlation to a family owned hotel and that name. Also, I could not find that location of the hotel's whereabouts. The font was different throughout, and the pictures of the hotel itself were not professional. When I clicked on Christmas break special, it was very busy and I could hardly even look at what it had to say. All around, I was give this website an F.

I wanted to evaluate Apple's website, as they clearly have been very successful. The first thing I noticed was all of the new products they have to offer ans then their logo in the top left corner. Everything is laid out in a concise order, and they have different forms of advertisement for all of the different types of learners. They have videos, blogs, press information, etc. Apple's website is not only aesthetically pleasing, it is very informative and precise.

The last website I wanted to evaluate was Toyota, a company in which is also very popular and well known. They logo is displayed on every page, and the website is easy to navigate around on. Their slogan is displayed, as well as professional images.The website displays where the closest Toyota location is to me, which makes it easy to purchase and convenient. The safety information as well as the certifications were also clearly displayed.

commented on Lauira and Kendall


  1. Hi Tiffany
    I totally agree with you that having a professional picture on your website adds even more professionalism to your site, but more importantly I think it adds trust to possible customers that are looking for a reliable hair salon through the internet.

  2. Hey, Tiffany,

    I missed, but certainly agree with, your comments on the Apple website. Showcasing their products front and centered is very effective. It tells the customers what Apple is offering most currently, as well as navigation built in to expedite you to more information about their products and how to get them.

    I was probably less critical of the hair salon's website but on further reflection, it does really help a business that specializes in aesthetics to some degree to have high quality photos of the results of their services.

    Awesome stuff!

  3. Hey, Tiffany,

    I missed, but certainly agree with, your comments on the Apple website. Showcasing their products front and centered is very effective. It tells the customers what Apple is offering most currently, as well as navigation built in to expedite you to more information about their products and how to get them.

    I was probably less critical of the hair salon's website but on further reflection, it does really help a business that specializes in aesthetics to some degree to have high quality photos of the results of their services.

    Awesome stuff!

  4. Tiffany, I can see why you were looking at hair styling, you have a good eye for beauty. When you don't see aesthetics, it bothers you. Thank you for showing these sites through your eyes.

  5. Tiffany,
    Good call on the hairstyle site, I probably would not have them work with my hair. When a website is based on beauty it needs to have amazing pictures to set them apart from a saturated market.

    I like that you brought attention to Toyota's car locations and safety. Having safety at the forefront of the site really ensures the potential buyer that Toyota has their safety at heart along with comfort. The locations placement makes it easy and convenient to get to arrange for a test drive.


  6. Apple's is the perfect example for aesthetically pleasing. From their stores to products, it's all beautiful. So it only makes sense that they have a a stunning design for the site as well. Great post.
