Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Week 9 Blog One

I believe if you are passionate about a given topic, you are much more likely to get positive recognition. As I have learned in my mass communications class, individuals crave entertainment, so adding a personal twist on something that would normally be black and white can really boost your business's chance of being viewed in a positive light. An example of my theory can be proven by the popular show, Shark Tank. The show is about business proposals from aspiring entrepreneurs, which sounds incredibly boring. Because they added a twist of entertainment into the show by hiring "sharks" to pick apart the companies, it made the show a hit. The same can be applied to blogs. If you are the creator of a company and want to write about something inspiring about your company, it is much more likely to gain attention than someone writing about the statistics of their company. Entertainment is key.
Now in the case that you are writing on behalf of your company and have little passion or little experience, the likelihood of your blog being inspirational is low. I would only recommend writing a personal blog if the company is yours and has information that individuals can learn from. I personally wrote a blog in the past that was in regards to the animal rescue organization I work for and mentioned a story that grabbed my listeners attention and pulled at their heart strings. My blog got a decent amount of publicity and was also posted on our website, which added a personal spin. This allowed our company to have a bit more character, but it was the passion and personal experience that led to this.  

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