Thursday, October 27, 2016

Week Seven Blog one

            Visual media will indeed be the best form for attracting an audience since my company is all about aesthetics. Creating an Instagram account will be the most crucial step to becoming a successful company, as professional images of my product will raise my sales dramatically. 
          Mystic Relics is a company similar to my own. Mystic Relics is a crystal company I follow on Instagram that sells necklaces, rings, and crystals. They have 122 thousand followers on Instagram, 4,000 followers  on Facebook, and only 21 followers on Twitter. Their last post on Instagram (their most popular social media source) was 58 minutes ago. They post about three times a day. They average around 2,000 likes per instagram post which is normal for individuals with a large amount of followers. 

Week 7 Blog One

For my specific business, I do not believe Youtube would be the strongest platform quite yet, as I am just now building the company up from the ground. I also am starting a jewelry company that is yoga/mediation based, so if I were to create a Youtube for my business, it would have to be creative and have a zen tone. I could broadcast my jewelry at a yoga convention or a festival like symbiosis gathering, but I would need a professional camera man to make things look legitimate. This is something that may be a good opportunity for down the road. 
Facebook has been proven to do magic for business's, however, as an avid Instagram user, I can easily say that Instagram is a more efficient tool for company's that are all about aesthetics like my business I am trying to launch. I follow plenty of eccentric brands such as Little Black Diamond (a rave wear company) and watched them grow because of the images they post on Instagram. By following individuals that live eccentric lifestyles and adding the website link to their profile, they have become incredibly successful companies.
Although Snapchat is great for fun, I would not say it is an efficient tool for a company, although could be useful as a secondary source of networking. I also do not necessarily believe in Twitter or Tumblr, but I am also not familiar with these two networking tools. I believe Linked In may also be efficient, but only for more professional business's such as a corporate position.
In conclusion, I would like to open a Instagram for my account along with my Facebook page in order to grow as a business. This should attract a larger group of individuals and hopefully help build my clientele. 

Week 6 Blog 2

My first post was made to ensure my audience stays engaged by stating I will be coming out with new products. Currently, I only have one product on my Facebook, and I hope to create plenty more. The next product I hope to come out with will be my Halloween inspired choker, even though it may be a bit too late in the season. I am thinking of making it a black choker with an angel aura crystal attached with cross bones instead of the bow. 
I want my choker to be my signature item, so I am planning on creating plenty of different renditions of this. I also will be creating crystal wraps; both necklaces and key chains. I will be starting a men's line, but only when my female audience is well engaged as I do not want to risk becoming too broad of a business. 
My last post just reminded individuals that my product is unique and that everything is handmade as well as full moon charged.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Week 6 Blog One

I choose to like moondust artifacts, floral arrangements, yoga by Sophia, Dolls Kill, Little Black Diamond, Kyleem MUA, and Blaise Botanics. Half of the likes I gave out were for classmates that has similar business's to my own, and the other half were business's similar to how I would like ym business to be portrayed.
I featured Moondust Artifacts, Little Black Diamond, and Dolls Kill because these business's are similar to my own and have a lot of likes, meaning my page may be seen by more individuals due to an increased post reach.
Moondust Artifiacts may be my best bet for reaching individuals because they are a local business and have products that compliment my own.
I am going to try to find other companies that are indeed similar to my own but still small enough for me to get recognition.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Week 5 Blog One

The difference between post reach and post engagement is a post reach is the amount of individuals that have your post on their news feed, and post engagement are the amount of individuals looking at your posts and actually intrigued. These may be followers, likers, or commenters. Both aspects are important, but engaged audiences are much more of an indicator of success.

Facebook insights are created to show a business who is interested in their products nearby and give details about individuals in order to help narrow down the type of people interested. Insights will show the typography, demographics, page likes, purchase activity, etc. in order to help a company see if their projections are correct. This allows companies to learn about their marketing audience in order to become more successful. Insights will also show if your page is decreasing or increasing in popularity.

For my animal rescue organization, this deemed to be incredibly helpful when deciding what my demographics should be when boosting a post. Although for this assignment I am planning on starting a Facebook page for my new company, I was able to view the insights previously. When I clicked on my page, I was able to see the amount of people who were locking on my website, who donated, and what my post reach is. This allows for a measured projection to be made more efficiently.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Week Four Blog Two

I was going to start a small etsy company called Crystal Coven. It is going to be a Bohemian/meditation jewelry company that specializes in raw crystals. I am still working on how to differentiate my company from the rest since the idea is still so new. The demographics would be mainly females between the ages of 18-30. It appeals to a more economically friendly group of individuals and those inclined the meditation/yoga. I am also debating selling eccentric clothing for festivals and crystals. The ideas are still so new, so I will make sure tofinalize my idea by next week..

Week Four Blog One

Try to identify any differences in each company's target market. Write down the basic observations you make about the demographics and/or psychographics of this each website's target market.

The demographics of Yellow Deli is for the more healthy individuals who believe in peace and unity. The Yellow Deli is a organization that prides themselves in following the guidelines of the first church which believes in communal living. All of the employees live together and make the food for the Yellow Deli from scratch, and the facility is open 24 hours, five days out of the week. Judging by these facts, I would say the demographics for this facility would be for eco-friendly individuals between the ages of 18-35(because of the late hours). It is for individuals with all different levels of income. 

Chiles is a fairly different organization, as its demographics are a bit more broad. Chiles has a wide range of food, most of which is "bar food." Because it is a bar, their target audience would be around 21+. Individuals income range, however, I would say this restaurant attracts people of the middle class. This attracts both sex's. 

The crossover between the two restaurants is they both attract middle class as well as both sexes. The age range is around the same as well, as both restaurants are open late. The Yellow Deli attracts an economically health conscious crowd, and Chiles attracts the sporty type of crowd. The demographics are all around pretty similar, although the major difference between health conscious individuals and sporty changes the atmosphere of individuals quite a bit. The Yellow Deli's website is more bohemian and the text is laid back. Chiles is more flashy and advertising orientated.