Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Week 13 Blog One

         The displayed images are my personal designs that I advertised on Facebook as well as Instagram. I also created a sponsored ad on Facebook that was meant to attract a larger crowd. I decided to pay $1.00 a day to reach a larger crowd. This ad promotes my company by linking to my blog and Instagram, plus provides my slogan and a call to action. 

         I was able to get my Instagram followers up to 150, and did so by following multiple brands and individuals similar to my own. The demographics for my company are between the ages of 17-25 and females. My followers come from all different locations, however, the majority are spiritually inclined or festival inclined. I have a large following in the hoop community, (the hula hoop flow art, I highly recommend looking  into the practice if you do not know what is) and most of these individuals tend to like my pictures and ads.

          For my next step to innovate my brand further, I would like to create more inventory and designs, then create an Etsy so individuals do not have to inbox me in order to purchase a product. I will create an advertisement that showcases my collection on Etsy in order to gain exposure. 

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